My Purpose
“I know I am on this earth for a reason. Show me what my purpose is and I will do it”
I used to sit in my car and say this myself over and over again
I was working a job I disliked
I was never living in the present moment
I felt like conversations were heavy and I always needed to be on the defensive
And it took me a year if not more to realize that asking myself this question wasn’t going to change anything
because I wasn’t actually ready to do something about it
I just wanted to know the answer and then decide if I wanted to do it
It wasn’t until I made changes in my personal life and work situation that something felt different
The needle was slowly moving but my mindset was still meh
But I was determined to start doing things for myself
To stop compromising
To stop waiting for others
So I went on my first solo trip to Paris to celebrate my birthday
and at the Sacré-Cœur Basilica I saw a painting of Jesus
and as I stood there (hungover) looking at it I said “okay. I am ready. I will do it”
For context, I am not a religious person, but there is something about this trip and this particular painting that flipped a switch
a few months after this trip I found myself reading my first personal development book
and shortly after bought a mindset course
and then things spiralled from there into creating my business to fulfill my purpose
I can’t quite pinpoint the AHA moment
I just took steps that felt good for my soul despite how terrified I was
There was no way I could have known what would come next
If I hadn’t just started taking action
I finally stopped feeling there was a purpose for me on this earth that I needed to find - I found it
Written by Anonymous
The WE blog is a collection of stories and journal entries from women sharing moments in their life that left them breathless. We believe in celebrating all moments. Whether they are the happiest moments of your life, moments that left you feeling lost. Or moments where you healed yourself again and again. We are here for all of it. No moment is too small. No moment isn’t worth celebrating. This is a safe space to share. A place where you can be yourself. A place to heal.
Here's what women are saying after writing their story:
“So surreal! I am so glad I could use this place to heal. It is perfect, it is supportive, it is beautiful. Thank you for this gift. I will cherish this opportunity forever.”
“It was such an interesting experience to write it. The process of writing it, is the moment that took my breath away.”
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WE are a space where women can be celebrated and honoured just as they are; nothing more or less. We encourage you to be nosy and take a look around.
This space is for you. A place where you can be your badass self and surrounded by women raising the bar within themselves.