Keep An Open Mind

Keep an open mind. 

I said this today on an IG live I was asked to join with The WE Experience.

I thought about it more after we spoke, and I can’t underestimate the importance of that statement.

Had I not had an open mind, a curiosity, frustration, determination and gumption I wouldn’t be where I am today. 

(And today is better than 5 years ago) 

I had debilitating migraines, other than a brain scan there was never any inquiry into what the actual cause was. 

My brain was good so I was told to find my ‘cocktail’.

So I did, a prescription migraine pill and a muscle relaxer together did the trick as long as I caught it in time. 

I was a pill popping sleep deprived, unbeknownst post-menopause ball of stress mom, wife, friend and first responder. 

I was only getting worse, feeling worse and so lost that this was as good as it was gonna get.

Back to the open minded thing, I found people who resonated, who knew things I wanted to and were living proof.

So I trusted, I listened to them (and me), I borrowed their belief and rolled with it. 

Whatever ‘it’ was, because truthfully it was everything. 

From my diet and my supplements to the way I move and rest to what I say yes and no to. 

It was baby steps but it was an overhaul. One piece at a time with the right people guiding me. 

Outside the box. 

A life coach, a therapist, a nutrition and hormone coach, a chiropractor, an osteopath, a homeopath, new friendships, new connections, new experiences and ultimately a new me. 

Those migraines ? Gone. 

Sleep deprivation ? Gone. 

Hormones ? Balanced. 

Holistically & naturally. 

It didn’t happen overnight and I’m far from done, but here I am a hell of a lot different than I was 5 years ago. 

My mind and body are connecting again - they were disconnected like so many of yours. 

All because I had an open mind, a willingness to give things a shot and the determination and trust in myself to not quit. 

So yeah… if I was to give you reading this one piece of unsolicited advice:

It’s just 4 words.. 

Keep an open mind. 

You owe it to you.

Use me as your reminder & borrow my belief in you until have enough of your own.

Today was a good day.

Written by Erin M

In case you missed our Live with Erin on Instagram, watch it here.

The WE blog is a collection of stories and journal entries from women sharing moments in their life that left them breathless. We believe in celebrating all moments. Whether they are the happiest moments of your life, moments that left you feeling lost. Or moments where you healed yourself again and again. We are here for all of it. No moment is too small. No moment isn’t worth celebrating. This is a safe space to share. A place where you can be yourself. A place to heal.

Here's what women are saying after writing their story:

“So surreal! I am so glad I could use this place to heal. It is perfect, it is supportive, it is beautiful. Thank you for this gift. I will cherish this opportunity forever.”

“It was such an interesting experience to write it. The process of writing it, is the moment that took my breath away.”

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WE are a space where women can be celebrated and honoured just as they are; nothing more or less. We encourage you to be nosy and take a look around.⁠

This space is for you. A place where you can be your badass self and surrounded by women raising the bar within themselves.


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