This is an Example of Chasing Your Dreams

this right here is an example of chasing your dreams. this is my dream.

if i had decided that other peoples opinions matter more than my opinion, we wouldn’t be sitting here today. 

if i decided i wasn’t strong enough to do this or capable enough to do this, we wouldn’t be sitting here today. 

if i decided my dreams were not worth chasing, we wouldn’t be sitting here today. 

it's still hard to believe we are sitting here but here we are, experiencing it together.

i have always considered myself a bit dreamer chaser.

if i felt a pull towards something, i was going for it. jumping in with both feet and never look back. 

and before you think i am this unstoppable dream chaser, there is always fear, self doubt and worry. negative thoughts that spiral around my dreams. but what keeps me moving forward because i know my dreams are bigger than all those feelings. 

i always say, those feelings remind me that i'm alive. 

it’s not about how fast i can achieve it or how big is it going to be, it  is about trusting the process, learning lots along the way and watching it all unfold before my eyes. 

it's a bit of a story on how i got here so let me take you back to last August.

in august, on the lions gate, i started too manifest this day. this event. i didn’t know all the details but what i did know is the energy i wanted to bring into this event, into this space. i could feel it swirling inside of me and i could no longer resist the pull. so i wrote everything down in my notes and started to create this dream. 

after that day, it haunted me in my thoughts just waiting to get started. 

the idea of this event started because i was missing connection, like real connection. face to face connection, that energetic dance between two people. and i felt a lot of people were missing that too. 

most of my life has been about connection, and being surrounded by beautiful relationships . 

and funny enough all of my businesses past and present, have rooted in connection.

whether i was on the mat teaching a class of yogis or spinning my heart out in my basement at the den, it was always about connecting with people. 

it was a time where i realized i wasn’t as happy as i wanted to be.

i remember that moment so clearly, i was talking to my husband in the garage and i said “i am happy but i wanted to be happier. i have been happier” and after that moment, i knew i needed more. 

it was a time where my business started to wear on me, a time where boundaries were a thing of the past and i started to feeling burnt the fuck out. the love that i once felt towards for my business had faded, had been lost and i was seeking more. i wanted more for myself, that i wanted to start loving what i was doing again.

and events have always had a special place in my heart. 

i didn’t really know where to start but at a photoshoot with Shannon, i was telling her about my idea about this event and she was totally down and than i asked her if she would be interested in speaking. well, she said yes and knew there was no turning back.

a date was picked shortly after and shortly after that i asked Carly to be a part of the event and she said yes. 

On October 1st, i posted about the event with no name or no location. i knew i had two amazing speakers, and a dream that was worth chasing. 

the excitement was contagious. it reminded me of why i was doing this and gave me the spark to keep moving forward. 

a month goes by and i put a deposit down on Event Mrkt. and it is really fucking happening now. 

there is really no turning back at this point. 

after the announcement of the event, the excitement started to faded and so did the spark inside of me. i knew deep down that this was so much more than one event but had no idea what it was going to look like. 

my intuition was telling me to slow down but my ego wanted it to happen immediately.

it was interesting living in limbo.

so i sat and waited and trusted that it will come together when it needed to. 

as this was all happening, i was still running my social media business and trying to navigate through burn out. 

burn out was hard and it is still hard, and it made it really hard to trust the process, to trust to myself, to trust inner strength. 

it was a time where i was always in negotiation with my body and mind and never felt like i was winning the battle. there were days it was hard to get out of bed, to hold conversations and to do daily tasks. 

i felt defeated almost daily but continued to move forward regardless.

some days slowly and some days didn’t happen at all. 

and as much as i wanted to feel like myself again, being burnt out lead me down a path of self discovery. i learned more about myself over these last few months than i have in years. 

i redefined my version of success. i redefined what i wanted in a business and who i wanted to be as a business owner. and started to step into those shoes and started to show up as her. 

i learned to rest. to listen. to be still. to love myself on all the days. to trust. 

and through burn out, i found meditation. 

meditation brought me to the we experience.

i had written down the name “the we experience” in my notes many months before this moment. the same note i wrote in August. 

when i was meditating, i could i see it all. i felt it, it was right there. i could see the bigger picture, i could finally see these grand version taking shape. 

when i opened my eyes, i immediately opened my notes and there it was. just waiting for me; the we experience; it was a surreal moment. 

it’s a moment that still gives me butterflies to this day. 

the event birthed from stepping outside of my comfort zone and trusting that it will all come together.

where the we experience was birthed through healing myself, from sitting still and listening to the depths of my soul.

and now the real fun starts. 

i had a name! The WE Experience. 

The WE in the WE Experience has many meanings and evolves just like us. 

i knew from the moment i started this, that this wasn’t about me, it was bigger than me. 

The WE Experience was create for you.

a community of women connected through healing, business, growth, evolution and so much more. it’s about bringing women together to celebrate one another, every single day. it’s about saying fuck it to the people, places and things aren’t serving you.

it's about moving forward in a way that is right for you and you only. 

i have always said the WE Experience is my alter ego but that has changed now. i have embodied it now. it is a part of me. 

i am the WE. 

i give less fucks. i care less about what people think and know that i am worthy of all of this and more.

and i want everyone here to feel as if they are the WE inside of the WE experience. 

if i listened to the opinions of others, we wouldn’t be here right now.  

you know how many questions i get about the We Experience. what’s the purpose? your end goal and where it is going and what it is all about?

i knew from the get go that there would be people that got and people that didn’t. and i was okay was that. 

i wasn’t going to trying to convince those that didn’t get to, to get it. 

and there were a lot of people that didn’t get it.

don’t get my wrong, their opinions would eat away at me. i would go back and forth. 

do i need to change this? should i explain it in a different way? should i press pause and re think this whole thing? am i say it wrong? why aren’t they getting it? 

but i knew if i tried to make the we experience fit into other peoples version of what it should be and i would have lost it. i would have been that Portia last year, lost, and defeated.

i stuck with my vision. i could see it and i am so passionate about it. i was able to trust that it will take shape in time. that there was no need to rush for it all to come together.

i want to remind you that your dreams are worth chasing. that one you have been pushing off for the past year, the one that someone told you no one would buy into it, the one that hasn’t happened. 

it is never too late. 

i would say this event was a year in the making but in reality it was 16 years in the making. before having lily, 15 years ago my dream was to put on events. that is what i went to school for. but after having Lily, my life changed and those dreams were put on the back burner and honestly forgotten about. 

here i am about to turn 36 this month and doing all of the things that felt were out of reach.

that i felt would never happen for me. i never thought i would part of such an amazing community of strong ass fucking women. i never thought i would be standing up here taking about my life. i never thought any of this would come true. 

there will be no perfect moment or perfect start date.

jump in and take a chance. it is worth the risk. 

yes, it will be scary. at times you may be filled with doubt and worry but you will over come it like you always do. 

there will be moments of second guessing everything you have done and everything you are going to do. but there will be many moments of pure joy, many wins and many dance parties. 

and you will find yourself again and again and again.

this right here is an example of chasing your dreams.

Written by Portia Chambers, Founder of The WE Experience

The WE blog is a collection of stories and journal entries from women sharing moments in their life that left them breathless. We believe in celebrating all moments. Whether they are the happiest moments of your life, moments that left you feeling lost. Or moments where you healed yourself again and again. We are here for all of it. No moment is too small. No moment isn’t worth celebrating. This is a safe space to share. A place where you can be yourself. A place to heal.

Here's what women are saying after writing their story:

“So surreal! I am so glad I could use this place to heal. It is perfect, it is supportive, it is beautiful. Thank you for this gift. I will cherish this opportunity forever.”

“It was such an interesting experience to write it. The process of writing it, is the moment that took my breath away.”

If this is speaking to you and would like to learn more contact us or fill out our submission form.

WE are a space where women can be celebrated and honoured just as they are; nothing more or less. We encourage you to be nosy and take a look around.⁠

This space is for you. A place where you can be your badass self and surrounded by women raising the bar within themselves.


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